Here are the steps to play “Mary Had a Little Lamb” on the piano:

  1. Place your right thumb on the note “D” which is just to the left of the two black keys on the piano.
  2. Place your index finger on the note “E” which is just to the right of “D”.
  3. Place your middle finger on the note “F” which is just to the right of “E”.
  4. Now play the notes in sequence: D, E, F, E, D, D, D.
  5. Repeat the same sequence for the next line: E, E, E, D, D, D.
  6. Finally, play the last line as follows: E, G, G, E, G, G, G.
  7. Practice playing the notes in sequence until you can play the melody smoothly.

That’s it! You have just learned how to play “Mary Had a Little Lamb” on the piano. Keep practicing and enjoy playing the melody!

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